Fundraising - No GoFundMe or similar, no begging for money or using the site to raise funds for anyone else.Asking for personal details of other members - In addition to the previous rule about not releasing such information, do not solicit that type of information (including pictures or videos of them).But no phone numbers, addresses, full names, etc. (Doxxing is the act of making private/personal information about another person public.) The only exception would be if you feel comfortable giving people your first name, general age, or general location.

Do not dox any member of the community or any real life person.

Any artwork modeled after or depicting a real, identifiable child.This includes social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.), YouTube channels, Twitch streams, etc. This includes images, videos, and links to the same. Any content involving real minors, even legal and non-sexual/non-erotic content.In addition to illegal content, the following legal content may not be posted on ShotaWorld: